October 17th, 2018
Sycamore High School
The apps available for the iPad cover a wide range of speech and language disorder interventions. These will allow teachers to model and work one-on-one with students successfully with the the new iPad technology.
October 17th, 2018
North Elementary School
This grant is part of the larger library redesign. New shelving, tables, chairs, circulation equipment, lounge seating, and upgraded technology (computer) lab are part of the renovation. The goal is to provide a safe, positive learning environment for the students and the community.
October 17th, 2018
Sycamore Middle School
Well-designed history books that provide short, concise, and colorful information that is engaging to the 6th graders at the Middle School.
October 17th, 2018
West Elementary School
The use of this technology provides engaging interactive lessons of places all over the world. It's taking a field trip without leaving the school.
October 17th, 2018
Sycamore High School
Yoga straps and bolsters to use during Physical Education classes. Health and wellness is the foundation for success, benefitting the Sycamore students for the future by learning calming techniques, body awareness and more.