Sycamore Education Foundation


The SEF grant process provides an opportunity for all Sycamore Community School District 427 teachers, administrators, and students to apply for SEF funds to enhance learning.

Your grant application will be reviewed by the District Cabinet and the SEF Grants committee and added to the agenda of the next grant review night if approved.  If you have any questions, please contact SEF Executive Director, Rachel Sauber at or 815.899.8264.

Please note the following guidelines prior to submitting your grant:

  • You must seek approval from your building administrator and the appropriate district administrator prior to submitting your grant application.
  • Grants are not awarded for salaries, travel, consumables, curriculum materials, assessment items, ongoing or recurrent licenses or subscriptions.
  • SEF will fund technology enhancements as long as they are tied to a new and innovative program for District 427. All technology grants must have prior approval from the Director of Instructional Technology.
  • SEF will support same-subject proposals, from different parties, for up to two years. After that point in time it is at the discretion of the district to provide funding to support the initiative.
  • You may only serve as the lead author for one grant proposal per year.
  • Grant recipients may not repeat awarded requests.
  • If your grant request exceeds $1,500, you are required to give a 5-10 minute presentation showcasing your grant opportunity during the grant review night and answer any questions from the SEF Board. If your grant is below $1,500 you are not required to attend the grant review night, but all grant applicants are welcomed and encouraged to present.
  • A post-grant meeting with the SEF Executive Director must be scheduled at least 6 months after funds have been distributed.
  • Materials provided by the grant become the property of the school where the grant originated and not the property of any individual or group.
  • Unused project funds after one calendar year will go back to the general grant making fund of SEF.
  • The Sycamore Education Foundation Board of Directors reserves the right to make amendments to these guidelines at any time.

All grant recipients are encouraged to post on Facebook, Twitter and/or Instagram with a photo or the grant and tag @SycamoreSEF.

Grant Proposal Deadlines

SEF Office Deadline:
Monday, October 7, 2024  — Please submit Google form with all grant information by this date. 

Present at SEF Grant Meeting: Monday, October 21, 2024, 6:00 p.m. at the Administration Building. Reminder: all grant requests exceeding $1,500 must present at the meeting, however, all applicants are invited to present.

Grant funding is available thanks to the generosity of the community. In addition to SEF fundraisers each year such as Take Root and SEF Trivia Night, grants are made possible by:

Bernice Kendall Memorial Fund for Women’s Athletics
Beulah and Roberta Hackett Fund
Marion Elliot Sycamore High School Fund
Jeri Delaney Memorial Fund
NIU Athletics Fund for Elementary Education

View previous SEF Grants:

Boogie Boards for North Grove

Mrs. McCormick’s class at North Grove Elementary School will be writing in style with their new Boogie Board Tablets! These are alternatives to white boards and dry erase markers that cut down on waste and erase with just the touch of a button.

Timing Chips for Girls Track

The Sycamore High School girls track team was awarded $2,199 to purchase a timing chip system to use for practice. This grant was made possible by the Bernice Kendall Fund for Women’s Athletics.

SMS Library

The Sycamore Middle School Library received $10,000 to purchase non-fiction titles for the collection.  Recently, over 1,600 items had to be retired due to condition and outdated content. This grant will build a foundation to begin replacing those books and add more current subject matters.

Southeast 5th Grade Books

The Southeast 5th grade classes were awarded $460.57 for novels for all 5th grade classrooms. By having the same titles available for all students, classes will be able to participate in discussions to analyze and compare different genres and topics.

SHS English Headphones

The SHS English I team was awarded $1,859.04 to purchase noise-cancelling headphones with microphones so students can learn at their own pace in the classroom with minimal distractions.

South Prairie 3-D Printer

South Prairie Elementary School was awarded $462.93 to purchase a 3-D Printer for their STEAM space. Students will be able to design objects using software and observe the designs being printed on site.

South Prairie Book Room

South Prairie Elementary School was awarded $1,500 to supply a book room with updated, current, high-interest non-fiction titles.

Courtyard Improvements – West School

West Elementary School was awarded $4,800 to improve the courtyard so that students and staff can utilize the space for brain breaks, fresh air stimulation, and movement. The courtyard will include both play-based activities for younger students and sitting areas.

Spartan TV Jr. Podcast Equipment

Spartan TV Jr. was awarded $1704.95 to purchase a mobile podcasting kit for internet radio. This equipment will allow students to explore exciting and creative ways to communicate with an audience that may inspire them in their future career paths.

South Prairie STEAM Lab

South Prairie Elementary School was awarded $6,929.29 to create a STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics) Lab. This space can be used by classes or items can be checked out and used by teachers in their classrooms. STEAM spaces provide mew ad different learning options for students and exposes them to potential new areas of interest.

3D Printer

Mrs. Kerlin at North Grove was awarded $577.89 in grant funds to purchase a 3D printer. The printer will be used by both 4th and 5th grade students who will design on a three-dimensional plane using the program TinkerCad. The students will use problem solving to determine stability and strength, and practice using the metric system with their designs. Younger students will be able to observe the designs being printed. Congratulations!

OSCAR Social Emotional Books

The Out of School Care (OSCAR) program received a $658.02 grant to purchase social-emotional books for read-alouds during OSCAR and OSCAR Jr. These books will empower students and demonstrate appropriate ways to have conversations about diversity as well as reinforce empathy, respect, and equality–three of the District’s core values. Congratulations to the OSCAR program!

SEF Grants are made possible by donations from generous donors and community partners.

Podcasting Booth

The 4th Grade Team and Tech Department at North Grove Elementary School was granted $474.04 to create a podcasting booth in the technology lab. The booth will be used by students to record podcasts that will help community building, social emotional learning, and amplify students’ voices. The booth will be available for other classrooms at North Grove who would like to try podcasting as well. Congratulations!

SEF Grants are made possible by generous donations from private donors and community partners.

ABLE Coffee Cart

Congratulations to the Sycamore Middle School ABLE Program for receiving $755.85 to purchase a coffee cart so students can prepare and sell beverages to staff at SMS. Danielle Klinger, ABLE teacher, explained that the cart will aid in teaching students about money, budgeting, grocery shopping, further integrate students within their school and give them important roles and a sense of belonging. Congrats to the ABLE program!

SEF Grants are made possible by generous donations from both private donors and community partners.

Sycamore Softball Team Field

The Sycamore High School Softball Team received a $10,000 grant to aid in the construction of dugouts for their new field. Jill Carpenter, head coach, said in her grant proposal: “There is a lot of failure and growth that comes with playing sports and being involved on a team. The fact that we will get the play on [a new] diamond is going to invigorate our group with a whole new level of pride in our program and themselves.” This grant was made possible by the Bernice Kendall Memorial Fund for Women’s Athletics.

Dramatic Play Center

Mrs. Copeland with the Little Spartans Early Learning program was awarded $1,434.47 to purchase a dramatic play center for her classroom. She said in her grant proposal, “[The dramatic play center] will continue to foster a love of learning from a young age, creative play that encourages individuality, drama, connection between home and school environments that fosters a sense of family.” Congratulations to Mrs. Copeland and Little Spartans!

SEF Grants are made possible by generous donations from both private donors and community partners.

Welding Uniforms

The Sycamore High School welding program received a $4,400 grant to purchase welding uniforms. Mr. Thurwanger, welding instructor, hopes that having upgraded uniforms will help foster a passion for the growing sector of welding in the trades industry. Congratulations to Mr. Thurwanger and the welding programs at SHS!

SEF Grants are made possible by generous donations from private donors and community partners.

Digital Art Supplies

The Sycamore Middle School Art Department received a $1,456 grant to purchase iPads and iPencils for their program. Kelli Meserole (not pictured) and Katherine Katz said in their proposal, “Having iPads allows for all students to utilize their talents by having the opportunity to use a digital platform for artmaking and digitizing their work.” We can’t wait to see what they create! Congratulations!

SEF Grants are made possible by generous donations from both private donors and community partners.

West School Library

West Elementary School received a $5,000 grant to replace, replenish, and refresh the inventory in the library. Pictured is grant author Jessica Spartz, who said “Having a larger collection of books with more diverse characters that focus on topics to promote social emotional learning will help get more books in the hands of students, as well as help them to feel more welcome within their school setting.” Congratulations, Jessica!

SEF Grants are made possible by generous donations from both private donors and community partners.

A Long Walk to Water

Mr. Choragwicki and Mrs. Kolzow at Southeast Elementary School received $371.40 to purchase a set of books for a novel study. The book is “A Long Walk to Water” and 5th grade students this year and in future years will benefit from this grant. Congratulations to the 5th grade team at Southeast!

SEF Grants are made possible by generous donations from both private donors and community partners.

Classroom and Family Games


Nicole Cabral of Southeast School received $592.11 to purchase games for her classroom that can be checked out and brought home. These games will aid students in learning basic reading and math concepts as well as social emotional learning.

Spartan TV


Greg D’Addario and the TV Production Students we awarded $8,530.38 to purchase new lights, audio and camera equipment for the Spartan TV program. This grant was made possible by The Munter Fund.

Hallway Chats


Heather Porter was awarded $301.99 to purchase Hallway Chats–poster sized pictures that can be used to help build vocabulary and concepts in early education students to help support them in the classroom.

Sycamore Middle School Basketball Hoops


Jennifer Brannstrom was awarded $3,338.58 to purchase permanent outdoor basketball hoops at the Sycamore Middle School.  These hoops will not only be used for P.E. classes but will be available for students after school and on the weekends.

Social-Emotional Books

West Elementary School

Mrs. Ihm received $1,272.99 to purchase social-emotional books for her classroom. This grant provides our students the opportunity to work through social and emotional topics through the use of fun books.

Graphing Calculators

Sycamore High School

Mrs. Zucker and Mrs. Koehne received $1,040 in grant funding to purchase graphing calculators. Many students do not have access to a calculator to complete their work. By providing these tools for classroom use, SEF is helping to provide an equal opportunity for all students to achieve success.

Math Literature

All Elementary Schools

Lisa Winters, Instructional Math Coach, received $584.33 in grant funding to purchase math literature. She supports all the elementary schools within Sycamore Community School District 427 so there are a large number of students who will benefit from these books.

Shared Reading Book Library

Southeast Elementary School

Southeast Elementary School received $1,500 in grant funding from SEF. Mrs. Cabral, Mrs. Henson, Mrs. Mallar and Mrs. Middleton submitted a grant for a shared reading book library to support their kindergarten and 1st grade classrooms. Their goal is to extend reading comprehension and teach higher level thinking during shared reading time with these new books.

Integration of Diversity and Social-Emotional Learning Through Picture Books

West Elementary School

Elisa Rubeck and Jolene Ward of West Elementary School received $1,405.13 in SEF grant funding to purchase new texts for their libraries. As reading specialists, they recognized a need for more diverse, inclusive and social emotional learning (SEL) picture books to enrich their program. These books will be used as a springboard for discussions and as mentor texts for learning about other cultures and will be housed in the Book Room where they will be available to all staff and grade levels.

Apple Technology to Support 3D Printer

Southeast Elementary School

Jonathan Walters, fourth grade teacher at Southeast Elementary School, received $1,477 in grant funding to purchase Apple technology to support a 3D printer in his classroom.  Mr. Walters wrote a separate grant to 3M which was fully funded to purchase a Dremel Digilab 3D printer.

Decodable Books

South Prairie Elementary School

Tracy Minnihan, Reading Specialist at South Prairie Elementary School, received $1,303.75 in grant funding to purchase decodable books for students. These new and engaging texts will be available for all staff in the building to use. These books can be offered to students who may require lower level texts, but want to read books that look like the ones their peers are reading.

Equipment for G-Force

Sycamore Middle School

Liz Peterson and Jodi Gudewicz received $2,574.94 in SEF grant funding to purchase Little Bit Electronics Kits and Sphero RVR Robot packs to support G-Force Club, which focuses on empowering young women to grow, learn, and succeed in the fields of STEM.

ABLE Program Classroom Updates

Sycamore High School

Lee Zucker and Marion Kneiling received a grant for classroom updates including furniture and sensory supplies for students for the ABLE program.

Shared Alternative/Flexible Seating

Third grade teachers, Kelsi Boltz and Kyla Hueber, received an SEF grant to purchase shared alternative/flexible seating options for their classroom.

Guided Reading Books

Southeast Elementary School

Second grade teacher, Mary Strohm, and literacy facilitator, Holly Majerus received SEF funding for guided reading books to better support their students.

Garden Classrooms

Southeast, South Prairie and West Elementary Schools

Katie Davis received SEF funding to support garden classroom programs within third grade throughout select elementary schools in the Sycamore School District.

Character Studies through Series Books

South Prairie Elementary School

Third grade teacher, Kim Zeitler, received SEF funding to purchase character studies through series books for her classroom.

Sensory Supplies


SEF has provided funding for the Sycamore School District’s  Out of School Care Program (OSCAR).  These funds will go toward purchasing sensory items that will assist students requiring special accommodations.


West Elementary School

SEF has provided funding for makerspace items that will benefit the entire school.  Items include classroom sets of Knex, Magna Tiles, Snap Circuits, Legos, Zoob, etc.


Sycamore High School

SHS teacher, Christian Thurwanger, received funds from SEF to support the Agriculture/CTE Department.  The funds will purchase drones so that students can learn how they could use these devices in their future careers within industries such as construction, surveying, forestry and agriculture.

SparTECHus IT Help Desk

Sycamore High School

SHS teacher, Annette Keca, received funding from SEF to purchase equipment to support the SparTECHus IT Help Desk program which services the Chromebook computers throughout the Sycamore School District.

Sphero Robots and iPads

Sycamore Middle School

The STEM/CTE Department at the SMS received 15 Sphero Bolt Robots and 8 iPads to support all 6th grade students enrolled in STEM: Engineering and after school clubs.  These devices are designed to inspire curiosity, creativity, and invention through coding.  This technology will help students to foster a love of robotics and STEAM principles… all through play.

Standing Desks

Sycamore Middle School

Each 6th grade classroom received three standing desks.  The students have greatly appreciated having the opportunity to learn in a non-traditional style. Standing has proven to be an effective way to improve memory and focus, and research shows that classroom standing desks can also enhance cognitive skills and improve test scores.

Diverse Books

Sycamore Middle School

The seventh grade population for years to come will benefit from diverse books funded through a grant provided by SEF.  Using literature as a tool, the novels purchased have created an opportunity for students to talk about race, ethnicity, gender, identification, sexual orientation, and disability in a transformative way.

iPads to support Seesaw application

North Grove Elementary School

All 1st grade classrooms received five new iPads for the students to share.  The addition of the new iPads for each classroom has created a 1 iPad per 3 student ratio.  While using the Seesaw application, students can practice their reading fluency, math skills and knowledge, storytelling/summarizing, and more.  The students work collaboratively on this app to share their knowledge and understanding with teachers as well as parents.


South Prairie Elementary School

Students need opportunities to explore, design, build and innovate. South Prairie is excited to start their first markerspace, hands-on area. K’nex, Legos, Strawbees “Crazy Scientist Kit” and more will being included.

Sensory Floor Path

Southeast Elementary School

Students will walk, hop, skip and jump through a series of physical activities with carefully placed floor stickers in the gym hallway. The goal is to help students stay calm and regulate their bodies while at school.

Lego Wall for Maker’s Space

Southeast Elementary School

The lego wall is planned to be placed in the kindergarten hallway to be used by all three kindergarten classrooms at Southeast. This will be in addition and to enhance their already existing maker’s space.

CNC Milling Kit

Sycamore Middle School

The router kit, bits and milling materials will be used for a variety of different projects within each of the STEM/CTE course and after school clubs at the middle school. The machine provides students with another resource when creating solutions to their problem-based learning tasks.

Modeling Instruction for the Modern Physics Class

Sycamore High School

The Science Department at Sycamore High School will be updating some of the physics equipment to utilizing the Modeling Method of physics instruction, align experiments and activities and increate the use of technology in the physics classroom with this new equipment.


Sycamore Middle School

“Acquiring meditation and mindfulness equipment for our students directly supports the Relationships Sphere’s exit learner outcomes which aim to create “a person who values relationships and balances life’s commitments” as outlined in the district’s Strategic Design Plan. Through meditation, students can briefly unplug from their surrounding and help gain a clearer understanding of themselves and their life while creating balance in the process.”

iPads for Speech and Language Therapy

Sycamore High School

The apps available for the iPad cover a wide range of speech and language disorder interventions. These will allow teachers to model and work one-on-one with students successfully with the the new iPad technology.

Renovating the Library at North Elementary School

North Elementary School

This grant is part of the larger library redesign. New shelving, tables, chairs, circulation equipment, lounge seating, and upgraded technology (computer) lab are part of the renovation. The goal is to provide a safe, positive learning environment for the students and the community.

Everything You Need to Know to Ace World History

Sycamore Middle School

Well-designed history books that provide short, concise, and colorful information that is engaging to the 6th graders at the Middle School.

Google Expeditions Kit

West Elementary School

The use of this technology provides engaging interactive lessons of places all over the world. It’s taking a field trip without leaving the school.

High School PE Yoga Props

Sycamore High School

Yoga straps and bolsters to use during Physical Education classes. Health and wellness is the foundation for success, benefitting the Sycamore students for the future by learning calming techniques, body awareness and more.

Chrome Books for the Classroom & Spartan TV Jr.


Spartan TV Access Channel
Digital Signage

Sycamore High School

Scholastic Bowl

Sycamore Middle School

Power Up the Middle School

Sycamore Middle School

Welding Shop Expansion and Upgrade by Students

Sycamore High School

Gallery Revitalization Project

Sycamore High School

LEAF/ABLE MAss Customization Learning

Sycamore Middle School

Solo Performace Books for Band

Sycamore High School

Watershed Research Tools

Sycamore High School

Everything you Need to Know to Ace American History

Sycamore Middle School

Read and Write for Google Chrome

Sycamore High School

Graphing Calculators for At-risk Students

Sycamore High School

1:1 Chromebook Expansion Grant

West Elementary

Row the Boat

Sycamore Middle School

Fiber Installation for Education and Government Channel

Sycamore High School

Collaboration Carpet

Southeast Elementary

The Active Classroom

Southeast Elementary

Providing adjustable height open front desks with swinging foot rest to meet the needs of student with active learning styles.

Poster Maker Machine


Little Spartans Wheeled Outdoor Equipment

South Prairie Elementary

Providing Specialized bikes and safety equipment that is easily customized for each child and provides optimal learning and motor skills development.

One District, One Book

All Elementary Schools

Grant by Barresi Family- in honor of Victor, former SEF board member. victorA generous donation from the Barresi family to honor Victor. One District, One Book – This year all five elementary schools are participating in the second One District, One Book in which all families will receive the same book during the first week in March. The schools have organized events including book fairs, daily trivia, and community participation.

Blink Arm Bands in PE

Sycamore Middle School

Utilizing wearable heart rate monitor technology to provide instant feedback to students regarding their heart rate zone and perceived exertion in activity.

Building Reading Fluency

Southeast Elementary

Improving reading skill and fluency for first and second grade students. This is accomplished by providing high quality take home books that can be taught in the class and brought home for repeated readings to build fluency.

“Put It on the Booooard, Yes!”

Sycamore High School

Mobile art displays for the entire district to utilize. Initial use was the 2017 Conference Art Contest hosted by Sycamore.

Cardio Center AV Upgrade, Polar GoFit Heart Rate Monitoring

Sycamore High School

Problem Based Learning Design Institute


21st Century Library Media Center

Sycamore High School

Standing to Learn

North Elementary

NIU STEM Reads Experience

Sycamore Middle School

Elementary Books

All Elementary Schools

Elementary Online Learning

All Elementary Schools

PASCO Interfaces

Sycamore High School

Infrared Imaging of Watersheds and their Surrounding Areas

Sycamore High School

Southeast Mustang News (SMN)

Southeast Elementary

Enhancing Tech

South Prairie Elementary


West Elementary

Modernization to the Welding Shop

Sycamore High School

Orchesis Technology Items

Sycamore High School

English Laptop Cart

Sycamore High School

Spartan TV Broadcast Trailer

Sycamore High School

Mass Customized Learning

Sycamore Middle School

21st Century Library: The Library Commons

Southeast Elementary


Sycamore Middle School

Heart Adventure Course

All Elementary Schools

Technology & Fitness PE/Health

Sycamore Middle School

Fieldhouse Cardio Room

Sycamore High School

Auditorium Communication System

Sycamore High School

Community Garden Compost Project

All Elementary Schools

Class Set of Non-graphing Scientific Calculators

Sycamore High School

iPad Air 2

Southeast Elementary

Flight Control Station

Sycamore High School

Plenty of Plein Air

Sycamore High School

SSD #427 Summer fitness challenge

Southeast and North Elementary Schools

3D Printers

Sycamore Middle School

iPads and accessories for PE Technology

Sycamore High School

Book Mobile

South Prairie Elementary

Women’s Grant – Dumbbells

Sycamore High School

Orchesis Drive-A-Thon Fundraiser for Warm-Ups

Sycamore High School

Caring for the Courtyard

West Elementary

Create authentic writing experiences using technology

Sycamore High School

IXL Learning

Southeast Elementary

Upgrading HS Light Board & Stage Fixtures

Sycamore High School

Yoga mats & resistance bands

Sycamore High School

Enhancing Spartan TV to Multiple HD Cameras

Sycamore High School

SMART Response XE System w/Receiver

Sycamore Middle School

Graphing Calculators

Sycamore Middle School

Graphing Calculator Check-out for Low Income Students

Sycamore High School

Jump Start – The Abe Project Reading Incentive Program

Sycamore High School

SMART Response XE System w/receiver

Sycamore High School

Building Community Through Books

North Elementary

Creating a College/Career Exploration Rm

Sycamore High School

Community Gardens

All Elmentary Schools

iPads for Double-Block Algebra

Sycamore High School

BOSU Trainers, BOSU Storage Rack, and Aerobic Steps

Sycamore High School

SMART response Clickers-Science Dept

Sycamore High School

School Nurse Training Manikin

All Elmentary Schools

School Nurse iPads

Sycamore Middle School

Greenhouse Renovation and Maintenance

Sycamore High School

Using MP3 Video Player during Reading

South Prairie Elementary

The College Solution

Sycamore High School

Replacement of Kiln

West Elementary

Marching Percussion/String Instruments

Sycamore Middle & High Schools

Jolly Phonics Interactive Smartboard Software

Southeast Elementary


Sycamore High School

Front Row Sound System

Sycamore High School

Ballet Barres

Sycamore High School

Reading Inst. Utilizing Technology-IPADS

All Elementary Schools

Early Bird Readers

South Prairie Elementary

Going Paperless-The 1 to 1 classroom

West Elementary

OSCAR Assistance Fund



South Prairie Elementary


Sycamore Middle School

SMARTtable Interactive Learning Center

Southeast Elementary

Infusing Technology in the Elementary Classrm

North Grove/Southeast/North

Literacy in the Library

Sycamore Middle School

Stability Balls

Southeast Elementary


Sycamore Middle School

Math Technology Grant

Sycamore High School

Reading Take-Home Books

All Elementary Schools

Library Cards for Low Income Students


Touching Spirit Bear Literature Unit

Sycamore Middle School

Bullying Presentation

Sycamore Middle & High Schools

Learning by Leaps and Bounces

West Elementary

Readpalooza Author Visit

Sycamore Middle School

Library Cards for Low Income Students



North Elementary

Polar Heart Rate Monitors

Sycamore High School

Books for Boys

Southeast Elementary

North Grove Library

North Grove Elementary

Reading Zone

North Grove Elementary

Service Learning

Sycamore High School

Advancing Math Department Technology

Sycamore High School